Workshops & Seminars

Workshops at The Living City Campus

Operated by the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, The Living City Campus at Kortright is a centre of excellence for urban sustainability, where people gather to learn, research, demonstrate, and get inspired by technologies and practices that help build sustainable city regions.

The Campus is a collaborative initiative supported by the participation of progressive organizations and individuals engaged in advancing sustainability solutions.

Visit the Living City Campus at Kortright website to find more information.

Workshops at Kortright

Check and Register Adult workshops and Kortright here

NEW Adult Course: Introduction to Beekeeping
This seven part course provides information and hands on opportunities for the beginner beekeeper. Led by experienced apiarists, this course walks participants through the active bee season from April to November. Click here for more information 

TRCA Stewardship Workshops

TRCA Stewardship offers opportunities for people who want to get their hands dirty looking after the environment in their own communities.

When you join us, you’ll connect with people like you who share an interest in taking action. From hands-on demonstrations and workshops, to tree plantings and community clean-ups, your efforts will have an immediate and positive impact on the environment.

Check and Register for the Stewardship Workshops Here