Scarborough Waterfront Project – Protecting and Preserving a Natural Wonder for Everyone to Enjoy

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The Scarborough Bluffs are stunning but relatively hidden gems on the Lake Ontario waterfront. Majestically they rise above stony shores and tower overhead. Ruggedly beautiful, they have been steadily eroding with the passage of time and exposure to wind and waves. Over the years, unsafe attempts from members of the public to access the Bluffs have often led to dangerous and even tragic circumstances. That’s why, as you’ll see in the following video, Toronto and Region Conservation wants everyone who shares a love for the Bluffs to have their voices heard on its future.

The Scarborough Waterfront Project, undertaken by TRCA, will strike a balance between offering improved access to the Bluffs, while making it safer for the public to do so. It’s aim as well, is to protect the natural heritage of the Bluffs including both the unique flora and fauna of the area.

A public consultation meeting will be held on June 28th and the public is encouraged to attend to share their thoughts and perspectives on the project. More details are expected to be announced in the coming days.