Get Them Outside This Summer at Claremont Nature Day Camps

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They don’t call it the great outdoors for nothing.

After months spent staring at screens, the best possible thing for a kid to do when summer rolls around is to get outside and into the sunshine. (It’s a happy moment for many a frazzled parent, too, when this times comes.)

Summer Nature Day Camps at TRCA’s Claremont Field Centre gives city kids a chance like no other to explore the natural world.

a young boy explores at stream at Claremont Field Centre nature day camps

In this picturesque setting — a 160-acre wilderness property in Durham Region — youngsters will spend their days knee-deep in a gentle stream, bathed in dappled sunlight, making new friends and discoveries about the world around them.

Claremont offers experiences to satisfy any kid’s natural curiosity: everything from testing their wilderness survival skills and making nature-inspired crafts, to investigating animal life and getting up close and personal with creepy-crawlies.

Interested? Space is limited, so register today!


READ: Send Your Kids Back In Time This Summer