Yesterday, the Government of Canada presented its Speech from the Throne. There are many elements in the Speech that are of significant interest for Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA).

TRCA is pleased with the government’s commitment to confronting climate change and building a green economy while addressing the significant threats posed by the ongoing pandemic.

Please find below TRCA’s official response.


Yesterday afternoon’s Speech from the Throne reinforced the Federal government’s commitment to overcoming the current pandemic, recognizing that acting on the extreme risks posed by climate change is a cornerstone to building back the Canadian economy. As noted in the speech, global consumers and investors are both demanding and rewarding climate action and the government is making it their priority to bring forward a plan to exceed Canada’s 2030 climate goal and legislate Canada’s goal of net-zero emissions by 2050.

Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) is encouraged by the government’s continued commitment to confronting climate change and building a green economy, while addressing the significant threats posed by the ongoing pandemic. Primarily, TRCA is supportive of the four primary climate actions included in today’s announcement, which represent the Federal government’s commitment to:

  • Create thousands of jobs retrofitting homes and buildings, cutting energy costs for Canadian families and businesses;
  • Invest in reducing the impact of climate-related disasters, like floods and wildfires, to make communities safer and more resilient;
  • Help deliver more transit and active transit options;
  • And make zero-emissions vehicles more affordable while investing in more charging stations across the country.

TRCA is, in conjunction with our partner municipalities, at the forefront of flood mitigation and erosion control measures related to changing climate and extreme weather events, ensuring transit projects are delivered in a more sustainable way, and the promotion and delivery of cutting-edge retrofitting initiatives, electric vehicle charging stations involving governments and companies within our jurisdiction through programs including Partners in Project Green.

The importance of nature has been brought to the forefront throughout the ongoing pandemic and TRCA is further encouraged that the Federal government will be working with our partner municipalities to expand urban parks along with a commitment to plant two billion trees.

Additionally, the Federal government introduced a new Canada Water Agency, to keep water safe, clean, and well-managed. TRCA looks forward to playing a role in the identification of opportunities to leverage information from our Sustainable Technologies Evaluation Program and experience protecting and restoring infrastructure from flooding, erosion and extreme weather events to build more resilient water infrastructure within our jurisdiction.

TRCA as a trusted delivery agent working with our agency and government partners is well positioned to help the Federal government deliver on these commitments and enthusiastically awaits further implementation details in the months to come.